A little laughter never hurts

Oh come on, you have all nice handwriting…There are way worse than yours :slight_smile:

Going back over mine, my worst squiggle in the pic is probably on the 5th line of text on the page after the 3. I know what the word is because of context but can you guys make it out?

Pins pics? I can read the pi and the s…

Wow, you made out quite a lot. It was pins. If you’d given me just that with no context I’d not be able to read my own writing. Half the time I can’t with context as well.

I can read my husbands handwriting :joy::joy::joy::joy: equals to a doctor’s handwriting…I can read anything :slight_smile:

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Someone showed me this link years ago when I was a kid


Whats this?? What happens if you plug in ???

A rubber duck? Idk probably you could die if you will use it in the bath? :stuck_out_tongue: :upside_down_face:

Great! Never expected that the products for dying are also manufactured!!

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Oh, there’s plenty of Chinese consumer products that are lethal. Take this as an example:

Toasters and dryers are so mainstream. Now we have the killer duck.

Yeah. I wonder who buys these…who wants to die!!

(Well @the_termin8r I must say your notes are quite neat and clean…you’ll fall of your seat if you’ll see mine!':stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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I still have the pics from that time @theearlywalker flipped out over the starscream gag.

For those that don’t know, @amitrish was having trouble making an account on plug.dj so he made one called ‘starscream’. It took Pat ages to find out who the account belonged to despite us dropping multiple obvious clues. The longer it went on bigger trolls we became. Eventually someone told her (I’m not the least bit mad at whoever it was) and she went mad, it was hilarious :joy:

Sorry about the pic quality.

:confused: speaking of handwriting, I rrrrreally have a hard time with her TYPED writing :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Not to be rude, actually once I realized she was from elsewhere I felt guilty for taking a shot at spelling
She’s a feisty one though, if we met in person I’d definitely be wary :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I’ve got a bad habit of pissing people like that off haha

I still can’t make it!!

Give it some time, it might take a couple of mins in a worst case scenario. Spam refresh as well.

Its been with me for days!! I AM GONNA BRUST OUT OF ANGER NOW!!!