58 yo Aussie Just woke up to a poem

Cheers man back at you

My appologise for the late reply, I have been thinking about this, the amount of people / morons I’ve heard say that LP sold out just underlines what I said about people living in the dark ages and basically listening to a scratched record stuck on one track.
LP’s journey has been exciting for them and us as fans, like how the lawyer/ agent refound Chester and hooked him up with Hybrid Theory, or was it Xero. To the executive who wanted Mike out of the band before the first album. To the crap they copped from Disturbed as there back up band. The reason behind the name change to Linkin Park and so on, and thats all befor there debut album hahaha.
The music evovled like no other band has every attempted and that showed there passion and love for ear candy not money, the dickheads who say they sold out are listening to the wrong band, or to quote Pink Floyd " when the band your in starts playing different tunes" hahaha
I abruptly rip into those who say LP sold out and remind them that Abba may still make a comeback just for them hahahaha F@ck em.


wow its really good!

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Yeah man, very well put
It didn’t even matter if it suited everyone, therein lies their gamble on taking that creative path
I can easily say I fell off at some points because it wasn’t the specific sound I liked, I’d listen here and there but wouldn’t be hyped about a cycle but come the new cycle you’d be anticipating what was the new turn and more times than not you’d be hyped about the new style and you’d fall back into being hyper LP haha
Critics and judgements on stuff are a dime a dozen, and sure plenty have valid points but more times than not, musically at least, I think they backed up their artistic pursue being greater than the chase for the green

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Hahahaha Thats easy for you to say :slight_smile:
I get people have there own choices, as long as its mine hahaha
Seriously IMO and as I’ve stated, my whole life I’d waited for LP, I was never satisfied or rocked until they arrived, I’ve loved the journey with them, and now miss them terribly.
As for Chester, like this part I don’t get, ok I’m 58 and a fairly tough prick with thick skin, I’ve lost good mates and family over the years and took it all in my stride after the normal grieving period, with no tears after the funerals. Yesterday, I pulled up at the local supermarket with of all songs Qwerty pumping in my van, I suddenly tuned in to a part of Chesters voice I’d never heard, suddenly tears rolling down my cheeks and it happens a fair bit.
Nothing or nobody has made me ever feel like that, even to write a poem, I read how others on here are in a similar state, my assumption is that Chester was not only a lead singer in a band, but rather a god of some kind or some other unexplained phernomenon, that is waaaaay above my pay grade, I really don’t know, all I do know is I’m a better person cos of him and LP and I have never met them Go Figure.

Thanks heaps man cheers.

For me, this view is actually troubling. So many people worshipping him, seeing an idol, putting him on a socle, get into hysterics in close range. Now saying, if he just had known, how much we loved him.
What does this do to an human being?
I would say, terrible lonely and not seen at all.
Fans see what they want to see, what they want you to be, not you. In your struggles, with your flaws, with your self doubts.
But that thinking is of course just me.
One part for me being Linkin Park Fan is, that it is a Band. Not putting the focus on one individual. They did great things together, supplemented each other, challenged the best out of everyone. They worked as a team, in democratic structures. And probably everyone knows how hard it is to keep something like that up. That I can admire.
Don’t get me wrong, I see Chesters as a person with extraordinary talent, voice, charisma and kindness. And yeah, I so wished, things were different.

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I read many years ago a quote from a journo " LP are the envy of any band, there structure and attitude is just like good mates playing music together, without the bickering anhd spats of most bands"
Yes it is about LP as a whole, whose to say these feelings wouldn’t be the same if it was a different band member who left.

Maybe my choice of words wan’t great, the fact is I don’t understand after 58 years of having control of my feelings and emotions.

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Heeyyy, sorry, I wouldn’t want to give the impression of talking away your feelings and emotions.
Hm, not exactly sure, how to continue my words from here, I sometimes have a talent in picking the wrong ones :expressionless: :crazy_face:
Chester was not only geniusly talented, he also was really open in his struggles, brave to show himself. That moves deeply, gives the feeling of conection. Is inspiring.
I see and feel it especially at this place, how deeply I’m conected to a lot of this dorks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and all this, I owe to Linkin Park.
I think, it’s a good thing to have this feelings, feel it, look at it and see where it will lead you. :hugs:

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No need to apologise, I appreciate your input, honesty is a trait that is often hidden to protect, but in fact does harm,I much prefer honesty. xo

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