404 - Page not found

me too… what happens?

Same prob here mate… and I cant even edit my profile… this is not good mate…

It dosnt exist?

We’re so old… 2013 years. hmm…
error 404? yep, no points page.

Hey everyone, it’s getting looked in to right now, we’ll get it taken care of as soon as we can!

i’m still a dude on my profile wont let me change lol

For me it works. Could you check it too?

Mine used to say that but now is fixed but now i cant edit my profile

Mine works fine ^^

yep… seems like they fixed it by now.


Now it is working good.:slight_smile:

Awesome! It’s working now, thanks!

same prob here till yesterday…now it works for me too :slight_smile:

Everything works good now^^

I’ve tried to get to my page by so many different ways and none of them have worked. I just keep getting a 404 error. I contacted ground ctrl and they told me to delete my cache and cookies or something like that. I did everything they said in the email’s and it still hasn’t worked.
And apparently other people can’t get to my page either? I thought it was just that I couldn’t access it?
Oh well …

[quote=EmzLP123]I’ve tried to get to my page by so many different ways and none of them have worked. I just keep getting a 404 error. I contacted ground ctrl and they told me to delete my cache and cookies or something like that. I did everything they said in the email’s and it still hasn’t worked.
And apparently other people can’t get to my page either? I thought it was just that I couldn’t access it?
Oh well …

ok this has been going for days now and loads of people are affected when is this going to be sorted out? ground contr no help whatsoever