3rd anniversary- thoughts?


Tonight if ya’all have the time and the motivation, we would like to plug in to celebrate Chester’s life and maybe provide some moral support to fellow LP-fans.

Plug can be accessed via this link: https://plug.dj/lpunderground

What time we gather? Let’s say +/- 20:00 CET?

Robot Boy is already waiting for you to join the plug so feel free to hop in whenever possible :slight_smile:


I was listening to my LP playlist while cooking. Numb OML Live came up and i found myself in tears. This day is always hard for me. I miss him so much.


Wrote this today

I don’t know how i’m supposed to be feeling
All I know is that I am in pain
The tragic past, I still can’t believe it
Since then I have never felt the same

I never know how to handle this
Sometimes I need someone else to blame
The voices of the past that I miss
They say moving on is the only way

But I can’t
I don’t know how
I don’t know what to do
All I know is that I miss you
And I won’t
'Cause I don’t know how
I don’t want to forget you
I know that I miss you

I don’t know how I’m supposed to move on
I fear I’ll forget you if I do
I get reminded when I hear some songs
And it hurts me because I miss you

And I won’t
I won’t move on
I don’t know what to do
All I know is that I miss you
And I can’t
'Cause I don’t know how
I don’t want to forget you
I just know that I miss you


The voices of the past that I miss
They say moving on is the only way

But I can’t
I don’t know how
I don’t know what to do
All I know is that I miss you
And I won’t
'Cause I don’t know how
I don’t want to forget you
I know that I miss you


It’s hard to believe that it’s been 3 years, since this happened sometimes I still have trouble wrapping my head around it. I still remember when I first found it what happened I was watching the news in disbelief of what I was hearing , crying my eyes out, honestly I don’t know what to do. Especially after the help LP give me, they helped me through so much , especially in my middle school and high school years, I have always been the outsider but they helped believed in myself. They saved my life when I was in my darkest place. But the thing that I am most grateful for is the community that was built here. I have been many long lasting memories and friendships here, and no matter what we stuck together. Like a real family. So with that said
If you’re feeling low or helpless remember that you’re not alone and we can fight it together

#MakeChesterProud today we celebrate his life, music and Legacy he left


Chester Bennington: Gone but never forgotten.

I remember the day my sister called me to tell me about Chester. I honestly didn’t believe it when she explained what happened…, but yet part of me deep down knew it was true. It was a very difficult year and previously having lost my own family in the same way. I honestly couldn’t emotionally grasp the lost of Chester too. To know we’ll never hear his voice again after so many years felt like a heavy silence had descended on me. After the call, I listened to “Numb” because I felt like it would help, but I couldn’t listen to more than a few seconds before switching off. It took me a long time to listen to his voice again and only now do I truly appreciate that he was leaving a piece of himself behind for us to enjoy and remember with love. He not only sang but gave away a piece of his soul in his music, allowing us to feel connected to him and to share our pain as one. That was something special and unique to Chester. He had a way of making you feel understood, even though we never knew him, it felt like he knew us.

If anyone needs to talk, we are all here for you. You are never alone in the Linkin Park community.



Today is a really sh*tty tough day.
I can’t believe that I’ll never get to see him do something goofy again or I’ll never get the chance to see LP live again and it hurts. It really hurts.

I’m so thankful to be surrounded by people who understand the enormity of today.

Sending love to you all. :heart:




Well, we’re live on plug if you still feel like joining :slight_smile: We don’t even have to talk that much, just sharing feels and music is all.




Thanks for creating the post :slight_smile: missed you all

20th July is a symbolic day for all of us.
3 years ago it was just the worst nightmare, I felt sick and cold like my soul had been swallowed by the dark, I felt an emptiness that could have never been filled. I still love and miss Chester every day, but I want to look at the bright side and say that his death brought us something that we could never replace

It helped us grow, evolve into something better. It helped us turn our life and learn to be stronger: we passed through all of this and we will pass through what’ll come next.
His songs and his teaching are a legacy that can’t be erased and we, as members of this big family, are continuing to do what he hoped: spread love and help one another.
Personally speaking, Chester’s death devastated me, but it also led me to actively join social media and feel more connected to the LP Family. Without it, I fear I would have never met you. I am aware that I have been missing for a lot of time, these months have been tough for everyone, but it is incredible how we managed to get through the difficulties and do what we needed. I wanted to come back here, but I never found the right moment. On this day, however, I couldn’t stop myself from coming back home.
While the memories of this day still hurt, I don’t want to change a bit of it, because it’s what we’ve been through that shaped who we are. And I will always thank Chester for bringing the light into our life.
Huge thanks to this community too, for playing a huge part inside my life. It’s wonderful to be back here :slight_smile:


Reading everyone’s thoughts and feelings is very touching and beautiful. Thank you for being here, sharing some of your most inner thoughts, for connecting and making the lpfamily what it is. Especially today i feel like you’re not “just” a second family, you’re THE most important family in my life. Thank you.
Right now i can’t find any other good words to say… just that i believe that Chester still knows about this strong connection, and that we’re making him proud and we will continue to so so!
#MakeChesterProud :green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart::heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart:





2 3 4

just beautiful. :heart: :pray:t2:



After last year I dread 07/20.
But thanks to Pat :hugs:, I write down my last years experience and it actually works, I think not once of it or my father.
I receive all your caring, uplifting words, and it touches me deeply.
Thank you so much @nickolasgray :hugs: @france8888 :hugs: @drounzer :hugs: @ HakManLP :hugs:
How much concern and compassion in you.

And all your stories, what this day was three years ago, how it felt, how you walked through it.
I can’t help myself, I cry with every new experience.
But could I be so strong like you all are?
Still reaching out, carry others like me with you?
No, I sink into sadness, deeper and deeper.
Am I at least patient with myself? Accepting that it is okay how I feel, how I am?
Another: No.
I am so disgusting of me.
How can I not be strong, honouring, helping.
I don’t want myself!
I just have to read this text so far, it’s all me, me, me.
But nothing is about me at this day!
Why can’t I take myself away!
And crying again, Sniffles.
To think about, what this means to the people who actually were close to Chester, his family, his kids!! Dang, the kids.

Oh, and I just wish he could have gotten old with us. Wouldn’t be forever frozen, could have aged.
He should have the chance to become this.


But no.
It’s taken.

Still left us with so much.
His love.
His caring.
His music.
His voice.
I listen to A Line In The Sand on repeat.
Drowning deeper and deeper in my selfmade misery.
Finally, I kick my butt. Anna, do something, it’s lunch break, drive to the beach!
And I do. The wind is strong, the waves really high. I can’t come over the wave line. But still, jumping in the tide. The spray, wind, clouds!


It is just fucking awesome :upside_down_face:
My mood isn’t dancing, but a little better after all. Enough, that I can see, that I should stop judging me on top.
Pain is with me.
Sometimes so strong, that I can’t carry.
There is this pic @LP13413 :hugs: posted in the forum. It’s so … how should I say it. It feels so like me. Death, as comfort in my pain.


It is okay to be that way.
It is okay to feel that.
It is okay to let others see this.
It is okay, that they love me, even this me.
It is okay to let them be there for me, when they offer.
Yeah, and on days like today, it’s also okay to shut the pain up. I am very strict with alcohol, know about it’s lure. But it is okay for me today. So I get me some beer and drink, feel the pain numbing. I don’t need much for this, I really drink seldom.
And finally it is evening. I join @gatsie s invite for a LPU plugdj meet. We listen to music together, mostly Linkin Park, we chat and feel company on each other. Thank you so much @anomalia :hugs: @rickvanmeijel :hugs: @StephLP18 :hugs: @jabinquaken :hugs: @ Lilyope :hugs: @jrtrussell :hugs: @ agusdbianco :hugs: @ IronSoldier16 :hugs: just for being there!
And with this, the day is over. Finally.

My pain, it is there anyway.
All the rest, the awareness, the comfort and most of all, you guys, that I have thanks to Linkin Park and Chester Bennington.
We all have this.
We all have each other.
Just Thank you!

Weep not for roads untraveled
Weep not for sights unseen



Hi, guys! Want to share with you my tribute for Chester.
It wasn’t easy…
Two months, canvas, acrylic painting, big love and respect

Rock In Heaven, Chester
1976-2017110206555_4151274484945028_1220435780029669184_o 111691021_4151274884944988_4122912125140043748_o


Never give Anna, you’re not alone don’t worry it’s not “maybe things will get better, things will look brighter” it is sure, I’m sure of it because I personnaly experienced it in the past and I’m not the only one of course. Keep faith in you and life and love. Heartful thoughts


Hey dear :kissing_heart::heart::hugs: happy you feel better :grin: it’s a very great post with a lot we could talk about then in a few weeks :grin: but honestly? I cried and some very emotional moments I still do! Hey and look at you?!? :crazy_face: you always moved on! You are strong :muscle:t2: definitely- and to feel the sadness about how things are sometimes deep inside of each of us is ok- Have a good day :sunny::sunny::yellow_heart::hugs: and collect some sunrays today :sunny:


Hey @anna834, please don’t be so hard on yourself. We all are here with you. :hugs: :gift_heart:
We are the Linkin Park family, right? What’s family for if we don’t hold each other through the rough patches?

There’s something I wrote, eons ago it feels. I hope you find the message and it helps you

Chin up little stargazer
Let the world see your light
And let it hold back it’s breath
As you set a fire with your glorious might

Spread out your wings
Let out your novic glow
Fly high above this night
On the path, the stars that show

I know it feels so hard
'Gainst this strange darkness to fight

But just remember one thing tonight:
In your heart, you hold a flashlight

Sending you all the love and support. :revolving_hearts: :hugs: Let’s do this soldier!


Hey, thank you so much for your words! They give so much hope. Even so I have hope on my own, can’t imagine beeing without it, it is good to hear you! :hugs:

Ha, ha, ha, what have you planned? Lock us together in a closet for a week? :thinking:
jk :crazy_face: looking forward to it :hugs: :yellow_heart:

It’s more like waves, up and down. But I hope like a incoming tide, with every wave, the water is a little bit higher. :ocean:
Ups, I’m too much in the North Sea. :joy:

Hey, beautiful! Thank you for sharing :hugs:



That’s one of my favourite lyrics, we’re not alone, we have each other.


Anna, you are! Don’t you know that knowing you as the lovely person you are, the person who’s always here, who i think of as a safe, caring person, IS helping, every day? I know that if i’m feeling bad, you will care, give advice, make me feel better.
Your personality makes you strong&helping. Being strong doesn’t mean always being… strong?
I could(not exactly) quote what i just translated(as my last latin text ever-yayy) last week in school, it was about 'what does strength mean?"(‘virtus’ =courage, bravery)means that being strong also means showing your ‘weak’ moments, showing when you need help, seeking comfort in a friend’s hug.
So, it already has been discovered a long time ago that it’s ok, even good to show something often called weakness. Try to aways remind yourself of that, physically tell yourself that it’s ok.:hugs:
i think i already mentioned it once, but we can’t get reminded of self care too often: treat yourself like your best friend. You are your own best friend. If someone of us would’ve said the words that you said about yourself to themselves, you would know it’s not true. And in the same way as you’re helping others, try to help yourself as well.:heart::heart::heart::hugs::hugs:


Beautiful picture