When and where?

My room, right now:

I’m in love with this photo and how awesome the quality is. I think it’ll be a good one for them to sign in future m&gs.


Rabbits can kick some mayor butt. Just look at this momma rabbit protecting her babies from a snake:

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Nonetheless, Nature is amazing!

Quite. There’s a poster in one of the rooms in college that says ‘see the maths in nature’. Although there is indeed maths in nature I’m pretty sure nature doesn’t have a concept of maths since it’s a human invention.

My room (as usual). I don’t go anywhere interesting :confused:

hey @gatsie what a tough rabbit mum, gosh, she nailed it! :heart_eyes:

Yeah she a cool rabbit momma aint she! :smiley: :smiley:

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Good morning everyone

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Good morning from me too!

ot urgh same sky but nearly 25 cm snow with it, I won´t go out today…but have too, earlier han usually to, and I hate it, but I love the mornig greatings thanx @evooba, you´re still on way or just arrived at work? I´m having morning coffee, …

I’d love some snow too…
No, I’m at work, I took this one from my supervisor’s office window the moment I arrived, hence why it looks fuzzed up (about 20min ago, 8am or so).

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looks really cold´n ´rainy, but a nice day although, (ot if I manage it, Ill post a pic, 25 - 30 cm so called “New snow” cause I´ve nearly the same probs as the_termin8r1 :smile: can´t enter the forums with my phone, everytime I´m logged in, press the button where to choose the categorie, mb HUB, Forums etc I´m back on the first site of my phone, I tried it the last time yesterday, you knew this prob maybe from your mobile] :smile:

It is cold, colder than usual at least but it hasn’t rained yet. We’ll see.
When I’m on from my phone, I go straight to the forums, I don’t go to the main site first.

ot (lets mark it or change to the nifty thing, ok? :slightly_smiling:) how do you manage, therefor you give in the link, (hey,me becomming a “crack”) lol or how does it work ?

Y’all can’t upload pics from ur phone???

In the morning 7am

Snowflakes were falling on my head

Yes, me too. Can´t upload pics from my phone

Nice, lots of snow!!

It’s so weird you guys can’t upload from your phones. Does it just fail to load the photo properly or is the upload feature missing?

I NEVER use my phone for browsing because it’s so crap.

I like the lots of big fluffy snowflakes, finally it´s winter.

Seems the feature is there. Creating a reply works fine, but when I try to upload a pic and choose the button, nothing happens. Don´t no why. Possibly I make somthing wrong or it´s a prob with my phone

Hmm weird indeed. The upload button for me is on the right below, it’s not as it is on desktop, not sure how it is on other phones :confused:

In other news, I thought these clouds looked pretty cool. They’re much more orange and purple-ish in real life but my camera sucks lol

On my way to work (don’t mind the bus window reflection)

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