Yes or No v.?


Have you ever inhaled helium?


Do you like to sleep?

Yes but I don’t sleep that much really. Coffee helps with that lol

Do you own more than 50 video games?

i believe so, i dont know for sure. im not home now
do you have or have you ever owned a bunk bed?


have you ever crossed the equator?


Have you ever been on a plane ride that was more than 20 hours?


Have you ever been hit in the face with a baseball?

Yes I have actually LOL I think if I remember correctly haha Pretty sure though.

Have you ever been hit in the face with a soccer ball?

I had a close encounter with one once, but it never hit my face

Have you done damage to anything in your house recently that is beyond repair?

No thank god haha

Have you ever been in a car accident?

Yeah, I was only one at the time

Are you athletic at all?

[quote=LP13413]Yeah, I was only one at the time

I remember that llink :frowning: hugs

No, I’m not athletic, me no like doing sport :stuck_out_tongue:

Have you ever wished you could fly or be invisible?

Yeah, to fly! It would be… Amazing!

Do you like japanese food?

Do you like Portal?

Never played it… but I like the portal short movie on youtube
I guess thats a YES^^

You won a Hybrid Theory shirt?

Not yet…

Have you been to a M&G?

Not… YET!

Have you ever traveled abroad?


Do you know how many licks it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a Tootsie Pop?

Yes! I counted one time. It was 100,234,098,069 licks. Took me awhile I must say.

If you were given the option to travel to the moon, would you?

yes, i probably would
do you have 2+ TV’s in a single room?