Yes or No v.?

U excited about Christmas? :slight_smile:


Do you like guys with long hair?


Do you like guys with long hair?

Yes Love it, LPU chatroom is the place I met lot of great and awesome friends.

Can you dance?

[quote=Purnama]Yes Love it, LPU chatroom is the place I met lot of great and awesome friends.

Can you dance?[/quote]

What sort of dance :slight_smile:
Party - yeah quite well (not the best of course)
Classic - NO :wink:

U like partys?

I don’t really like party

Do you sing when you are in showers? XD

[quote=Purnama]I don’t really like party

Do you sing when you are in showers? XD[/quote]

Only if I feel like it…but sometimes yes :slight_smile:

Are you addicted to LP? :smiley:

Totally, no doubt about it ^^

Do you have piercings?

[quote=Purnama]Totally, no doubt about it ^^

Do you have piercings?[/quote]

Haha :smiley:
No and I don’t want to!

Are you interested in tennis?

Interested as watching I would say yes, playing no xD speaking of sport I’m just lazy ass :3

Do you ever slipped on a banana peel? =D

Nope, but I already tried, it doesn’t work [lol]

Do you like the black/white effect on LP(U)TV videos ?

Bahahahha xD

Yes, It’s classic

Do you like to learn another language? If yes name it ^^

[quote=Purnama]Bahahahha xD

Yes, It’s classic

Do you like to learn another language? If yes name it ^^[/quote]

Japanese :slight_smile:

Do you like “The Legend Of Zelda”?

i love zelda!!!

Do you Like mario kart!!!

[quote=LinkinParkForever275]i love zelda!!!

Do you Like mario kart!!!

I have always wanted to try it, so unfortunately i have to say no.

Have you ever played final fantasy -games?

[quote=Janne][quote=LinkinParkForever275]i love zelda!!!

Do you Like mario kart!!!

I have always wanted to try it, so unfortunately i have to say no.

Have you ever played final fantasy -games?[/quote]

No but they have some of the best graphics I have EVER seen.

Have you ever played Pacman for hours without stopping?

Nope, but have you ever programmed Tetris for hours without stopping ? [biggrin]

Never :3

Do you have a fireplace?

We have one for the backyard

Has a ride at an amusement park ever stopped while you were on it?

[quote=LP13413]We have one for the backyard

Has a ride at an amusement park ever stopped while you were on it?

Indeed, the ferris wheel…

Have you ever walked past a house with a dog barking at you?