Yes or No v.?

which cat @LP13413

sure it does

does the early bird picks the worm?
hey Andi :slight_smile:

Yes it does. Hello!

Have you ever been ice skating?

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do you like watching the sun set?


Do you like to go to the beach?

Yeah, but I don’t get to very often.

Do you live in the United States?

nopie, Moscow
Have you ever played Dota2?

Do you know where Poland is? ( don’t google it! )

sure neighbour!:wink:

ya join the plug in one hour?

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Is the food in Warsaw really that bland? (Yes, @theearlywalker, one of the many discussions yesterday)

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:hugging: :thinking: I guess it was what I call CONVERSATION? :scream:

Worse, it feels like a debate, a heated argument at times :frowning:

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I have to say YES (ofcourse if you talk about the regional dishes) no matter where do you eat Polish kitchen is totally indigestible unhealthy and as you say bland(it depends WHAT do you eat :stuck_out_tongue: )

btw I like only local Christmas cookies like ‘angel wings’ or gingerbreads :stuck_out_tongue:


you baked cookies this year?

No but I want to

Bake or cook?

@annejprado i think you confused between the this or that thread lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe I think so…lol

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do you like to play lpu? @yolo5494

how do we do that?
and you?


you know we do it right now!