Yes or No v.?

you like windy snowy days?

As long as it’s not too cold outside.

Do you wear shorts in the winter (like I do)?

Yes, only at home, where it’s nice and warm.

Is the thermostat at your home set very high? (I know @The_early_walker once mentioned about sweating in her bed a few weeks back :sweat_smile:)

Wait what? 0_o

@The_early_walker can you rephrase the question?

No @the_termin8r1 [it´s supposed like ya got it, lol, no matter :relieved:]
Q stands still

So @The_early_walker, do you mean it in an adult way? :laughing:

SO; my answer is NO
dunnow why a simple Q ab habits may lame this thread, now one out of the “childish box” @samuel_the_leader

like coffee with milk and sugar??? (lol :grinning::grin::joy::sweat_smile::sunglasses:)

@the_termin8r1 was the one who asked me to get you to clarify.

it was due to the childish box me tagging you @samuel_the_leader…lol???:no_mouth:

??? That was directly quoted from what you had to say.

Yes, my mom is crazy…to her it’s always freezing in the house

Do you get confused a lot?


Are you lazing in bed?

Do ya cook a coffee?

No, I boil water and drink Indonesian Instant White Coffee right now because I’m out of Senseo Pads for the Senseo Machine.

Do you dig it?

This. My parents keep the living room downstairs at 24 Celsius. I try to keep my room as cold as possible (anywhere below 17 is cool with me), but my parents always screw my climate up no matter how hard I try which makes my blood boil.

A/Q: Do I dig what?

It, dig it?

No, I don’t dig your instant coffee from Indonesia.

Do you hate that instant coffee @Gatsie?

She said no

So…any cool plans such as concerts and events going on in you guys future? ;D

Not anytime in the near future, no

Have you ever been pied in the face?


Do ya wanna get it [the Q above me]