Yes or No v.?

I had some chips for breakfast/lunch, does that count?

Coffee anyone?

yes [stll began to drink]


No, I’m trying to quit smoking. Only smoke in weekends now.

Are you going to see the new Deadpool movie with Ryan Reynolds?

maybe, yes…

isn´t friday beginning of weekend?

Yes and No, depending on definition. For example, restaurants may think that Friday is a weekend, since the crowd numbers start increasing on Friday.

Is Monday the start of the week, not Sunday right?

No, Sunday is start of the week.

Will you be going out this weekend?

Says who??

Says who? According to the Hebrew calendars and traditional Christiancalendars, Sunday is the first day of the week. Also in some Muslim countries and Israel, Sunday is the first work day of the week.

But I guess if you’re not a believer, you don’t consider Sunday a start of the week…

Isn’t the Sabbath Day (Sunday) the seventh day of the week?

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Am I the only one who has a week of holidays starting now?

Exactly. Therefore Monday is the start of the week @Gatsie.

Yes, you’re the only one.

Is there anything else you’re wondering about?

Yes, why people can’t walk properly

Do you think the way people walk reflects the way they drive?

They do say someone’s character is reflected in the way they drive. But I don’t know if that also goes for walking?

Do you like to get into a fight?

Yes, when I’m bored. Also I prefer a physical one not a verbal one. Though verbal ones allow for killer one liners :stuck_out_tongue:

No but very since I’ve gotten puppies it’s fun >:3

Have you ever ate spaghetti with pickles?

It might seem nasty but is pretty good


@intheend ever had a plain bowl of pasta with 3 table spoons of sugar? If no, you should try it.

No, what kind of plain Pasta but I wouldn’t eat it with sugar already tried sugar popcorn and it was pretty nasty…

Do you know how to speak Latin?


Am I the only one that finds it strange that people can read Latin but not speak it? Why is that?

Yes, it is weird indeed.

Loquerisne Latine?


¿Que Hablas Español?