Yes or No v.?

I’ve had moments where I’ve sensed one before, but I’ve never physically seen one…or maybe I have…

Do you value the little things in life?

Of course! The little things in life that often make all the difference.
Have you ever traveled outside of your country?

I’ve been north of the border to Canada a few times

Have you ever done anything really extreme?

I think so, every day. But it depends on what you consider extreme.
But in my case I believe that every day I do extreme things.

Are you fine? Are you happy with your life?

Umm… I think so… maybe… idk :pensive:

Do you got any life goal ?


If you made a New Year’s resolution, have you stuck to it thus far?

I havent made one

have u got The Hunting Party?

Of course!

Do u have siblings?

Yes, but I have no contact.

You have a girlfriend or boyfriend?


Can you play an instrument?

Does this answer your question?

Do you think you’re a good singer?

Mmmh maybe, but I think i’m better at rapping :blush:

Have you done any cover of LP?

No, i don’t. I’m not good with instruments or signing…

Do you like the new LPU site?

Yes and no. I still wish they kept the domain.

Are you surrounded by morons?

Yes. In many times.
Are you happy?

I’m satisfied

Would you like fries with that?

? Cheese and Bacon.

Do you play any sports?

Are you romantic?? :smile:

Yes. With my girlfriends.
Han Solo or Indiana Jones?

nice :heart_eyes: Indiana Jones
Dwayne Rock or Vin Diesel??