Yes or No v.?

No, but i had.

Have you ever been to Australia?


Have you ever left your home continent?


Do You like Comics?

Yea, I guess as I read Manga

Can you count to 10 in a different language?


Do You see a question from LPfan 132?


Is the answer to this question yes?


Do you have a tattoo?

A few, yes (This one included)

Do you have any unusually weird hobbies?

Yes, I have. But I don’t want to talk about it [biggrin]

Have you ever been to other countries ?

Yes. I’ve been to Mexico and Jamaica

Have you have a cell phone?


Do you have a tablet?

No, Butter a Notebook with Touchscreen

Do you live jayz?


Do you like Fast Food?

Yeah, but I eat it not often.
Do you like Gorillaz ?

Do you like Eragon?(Books by paolini)

I haven’t read these books :c
Do you like night walks?


Do you like the Simpsons?

I don’t watch it religiously, maybe once in a while.

Do you miss your childhood?