Yes or No v.?

Yes almost every day.

Is your computer running smoothly?


Did you watch a video on Youtube less than 5 minutes ago?


Did you watch the new Walking Dead episode tonight?

do you own a pc?


Are you happy that it is Fall?

Yeah, it’s when I start to sleep better again and not have to worry about sticking to the bed.

Do you have any Halloween plans?

Maybe go out and eat something with my mom aawww

Are you good with design software, like photoshop?

Nope, I suck at it.

Do you know the song “Soft Kitty”?

Yup!! haha

Have you ever dyed your hair?


Ever had a poem or song written about you?


Have you ever written a story?

No- well, I started but never finished!

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?


Do you like marshmallows?

I love all animals!

Marshmallows? No…

Did the chicken come before the egg?

what the fjkfdasjkf no

is andy a egg?

what the hjjhjhjdjd no he’s ice cream man :3

Do you believe in ghosts?

[quote=purrfect]what the hjjhjhjdjd no he’s ice cream man :3

Do you believe in ghosts?

what the heck is a pod? ipod… idk but i did swing from a 25ft tree :3 never again @.@

would u choke on ur lies for me :3