Work In Progress: Making my first EP

That’s because LDD’s UI is intuitive, most things are where you’d expect them to be and how you’d expect them to be. That’s a crucial point of a program. If you have to dig through a menu or more to get to something that you will be using more than once then the software has already failed in my eyes.

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I understand. I also had to get used to these interfaces. Do you have any phone recordings you might want to share?

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The only phone recording I could contribute is if I recorded myself beatboxing, but I only send that to people when I need to kill them. :joy:


Aww one more talent with our mastered engineer. I will record and send you in 2-3 hrs @rickvanmeijel :slightly_smiling_face:

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A talent…to annoy. My ‘beatboxing’ is horrendous.

Its sent @rickvanmeijel . 2 emails…



Thanks for the emails!

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add my singing and turn it on. You will pray for a gazillion of nuclear bombs falling in your ears

Now I actually wanna hear that, you guys should record it lol


No…you don’t :joy: :joy: :joy:


September 27 2017: Nice groove


Reminds me of Wish by NIN.

Hey you’re actually right, didn’t realise that :sweat_smile:

Edit: @the_termin8r I also noticed that both songs have the same tempo (135 BPM)! That’s probaby why you thought about Wish

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I got the notifs of that from yt. I will check later…rn its early morning 5:00 here…will check later :slightly_smiling_face:

Wow, this thread becomes really nice, I right now catched up with it :see_no_evil: And it’s grest progress!! :sunny: I just love the idea of creating music together, this is such a great way of uniting energy floods, awesome. I am very curious about the result. And it’s so feelable that you are very into your music a lot these days, @rickvanmeijel the sound is like a flowing wave of energy :blush: and a big progress in it since I started to follow you on sc ( already years ago lol :joy:)


Probably not the right time to blast this video haha.

@theearlywalker thanks for saying that. I hope that I indeed have become better by now :smile:

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Just found this thread and really love what I heard so far, you’re really talented, @rickvanmeijel :blush: you just got a new fan! amazing work!

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Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comments and support!! (That goes for all of you btw :smile:)


Loool its 5:00 again. Actually mt morning shift break… up since 3:30. But yeah i saw the video in yt and G+. It was nice :clap::clap: :+1:

I saw your comment on yt :slight_smile:

Wow you’re starting pretty early