I will listen to it tonight Shall I send you some feedback afterwards?
that would be awesome, thanks!
Shall I email my feedback? If so what’s your email address?
It amazing
Thank you for checking this out
Reminds me a little of Robot boy.
You’re right! It has the same kind of uplifting feel to it. Wasn’t intentional though
Cool!! keep it up!
really reminds a little of robot boy…it’s a nice sound…I like it!
Its awesome @rickvanmeijel !! You are so great with keyboard! Loved the tune. Yep right! Its uplifting like Robot Boy
Thank you!
Thanks! Sometimes I struggle a little to play on the right tempo, but I’m definitely improving
Yep you are! We’ve seen the progress and the pace is amazing
awesome dude, should make a killer song!
Thank you! I hope so as well haha
November 25 2017: Collabs
This update I’m excited to announce two collaborators who are helping me lift this EP to the next level:
Riffs At Random: we’ve been ‘jamming’ on a demo called Ascension. I laid down the structure, chords and synths while RAR recorded guitars, bass and added drums. Ascension is definitely the heaviest track, can’t wait for you to hear it! This is not the first time we’re collaborating: we covered Final Masquerade back in August. Check it out here:
Brandon Lenz: Brandon and I are working on Bananas. It’s going to be my first song to feature a singer! We got in touch through LPLive since I was impressed by his work that he posted there. Listen to his version of Linkin Park’s demo Can’t Hurt Me for example:
Lastly thank you guys for your continued interest and support! I really enjoy sharing the creative process and reading your replies
Amazing done I love it
Will listen on sc tonight
Thank you
Its awesome!
Rick this is awesome! I love it! Great job! You are doing so well, loving these updates!