Whom from LP band do you like the most?

Chester and Mike but the other I like too [biggrin]

Mike and Hahn


Mike & Chester

Before a few years i like Mike… but since my 13years i like Chester - i love his amazing voice, and that he is a family type ! :slight_smile: but i think that aaaalllll members from LP are perfect ! :o)

i love mike kenji shinoda because he can easily inspire you to do many great things

Oeeh… tough one…
In the beginning I was really a Chester girl. Then it was Mike who I truly liked after seeing so many clips and videos online.
But two weeks at the meet and greet Phoenix so definitely stole my heart :).
Thing is… I love them all. I cannot really choose. I said it before… but what makes Linkin Park so amazing is all six of them, and their connection to each other. They have great chemistry. I really believe if one falls out, a part of the magic will be gone.
So I hold them all closely to my heart :).

Brad - he just plague)))))) And of course, Mike and Rob …

I Love everyone they are so cool

Mike and Joe :slight_smile:

Chester ^.^ hes my hero/idol
Though Mike helped me find my nitch in Audio Engineering and what not
Rob is extremely adorable with long hair
Phoenix is hilarious and i do enjoy his tweets
Brad is strange…and so am I
Mr. Hahn is well…Mr. Hahn
So there you go :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike, but they’re all awesome (:

i love them as a band. i’d have to say that mike IS awesome. but my favorites are brad, rob and dave.

Brad. He’s too cool

everyone in that band is the best but i play the drums so i choose rob

All them!
I go with Chester, the way he is… IDK to explain lol
But love all them too!

CHESTER BENNINGTON! [heart][heart][heart] I love his voice, so soothing yet terrifying! It lingers.

I know that every one loves Chester and Mike. I love them both too. They are all awesome, but I have to admit, Rob is my favorite. He’s just so adorable and awesome at the same time!! I love drummers!!!


but I still love them all

Mike :blush:
But actually all of them