Oh no… and Numb and every LP song still needs 1 billion views
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy all die in Infinity War (if they are even able to that is )
The bogeyman dies in Infinity War
After that, the train died in Infiny Way (for boredom) jajaja
The Fat Controller (Thomas the Tank Engine) dies in Infinity War
Let me guess, heart failure due to being fat?
Hit by a train
The train was sent by the I like trains kid from the asdf movies
Lara Croft dies in Infinity War
Just as I decided to rewatch the walkthroughs of the reeboots. I’m not into gaming anymore, but I’m looking forward to the Sep release.
Crusty the clown dies in IW
I.T the clown was in the same car as Crusty and crashed in Infinity War
His actual name (Pennywise) sounds like some kind of insurance company or comparison site.
“Join Pennywise today and we promise to slash 50% off of your next insurace policy.”
Oh yeh duh lol
All brats die in IW
My kids are brats
All brats die in IW except the brats of Ace
Barbie DIIW
Ken dies in IW