Where do you live?

I’m Italian :sunglasses: I live in a little city in the South, we have always the sun, everyday of the year :sunglasses:

Alaska, please, take me with you.

Oh my God… I suffer too much cold :pensive:
Today I’m at the beach ahahahah

it’s called “Villapiana-117”, in Calabria (Italy) :smile:


Dont say that! I would LOVe to visit Alaska, its on my map of dream travels.

My feelings are probably just a result of spending all 26 yrs of my life here, with essentially no time spent living anywhere else. Winters with nearly perpetual darkness and 20 to 40 below F temps… and then summers with near perpetual daylight (drives me crazy)… it gets old.

Oh, and if you want to live somewhere where there exists some sort of night life or music scene, AK is probably about the worst you can do. What makes this even worse is that we’re too isolated to, say… drive somewhere for a day where there IS something going on.

Why not just set up an ice track for people to blast around?

Hello, I am new here, so this post seemed good to start.

I live in Germany, near Dusiburg, Oberhausen. :relaxed:

Hi drea78 :relaxed:

Hey there,
thanks a lot!

Greetings from Turkey ! :slight_smile:

Hi soldier :blush:

I’m from Slovakia! Just got back from LA, lived there for 8 months. Although it’s really good to be home, I already miss that place </3


Hey there neighbor :slight_smile: I’m from Hungary. Awesome that you lived in LA for months! What did you do there? Uni or work? Or something else? :slight_smile:

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Hello! :slight_smile: I’m from Poland good to know I’ve have few neighbors here :wink:

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Hey neighbour! :wink: I studied english literature in a private school. It was fun but sooo expensive! Really want to go back because I miss my friends so much.

hello neighbour! :slight_smile: I love Poland! beautiful country!

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same to you I was on vacations in Slovakia two years ago it was awesome :+1: anyway welcome! :wink:

thanks! I actually logged to LPU site after almost 2 years!!! it’s insane how much has everything changed! I was an active member for 6-7 years previously. Good to be back :slight_smile:

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wow! so I can say you’re oldschool LP fan (just like me):grin: too bad I’m not join LPU earlier.