Where do you live?

Munich, Germany

Pécs, Hungary :smile:


Where do I live?

In a house, more specifically in my bedroom. :joy:

My serious answer: England>London>Harrow>Won’t go into anymore detail to avoid stalkers lol


Oooooooooook-lahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains (and tornadoes cause LP shows to get cancelled)…but I love it here and know they’ll be back : )

Why am I the only one from Spain? :frowning: I dont know if that’s good or not. xD

I’ve got a friend from Spain who is an LP fan (they don’t have an LPU account).

Brescia, Italyyyy! :slight_smile:

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hi!!may I ask you a thing???when you were at the meet and greet when it end…did you have possibility to go in the first line on the concert???

I’m from Belarus

Prag, Czech Republic

Elo Pochodzę z Polski i mieszkam W Suszcu (niedaleko RYBNIKA ) i wczorajszy koncert zapamiętam do końca życia :slight_smile: Pozdr :)!!! :smiley:

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Milan, Italy :it:


I’m from Melbourne, Australia :slight_smile:

Anyone from Brazil?

I live in denmark

Pinsk,Belarus :blush:

Czech republic, small town near German borders :smiley:

Indiana lol

I’m from Stuttgart, Germany :smile:

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Siberia : )

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