Do anyone have a single clue when the new album will be released?
I remember Mike talking about it should be released mid 2016 or late 2016…
That’s old info. What we know is a first single coming for this month or the next one, and the album comes before May. They are in the final mixing stage now, (sorry for my english)
The band has said that they want a new single out as soon as possible and the album in the first quarter/third of this year, (Now to April/May)
Everything you need is in the OP
Single in January most likely. Full album release as early as March or as late as May, before they start the summer tour (that was promised by both Mike and Chester).
Please don’t create threads with the same topics, everything you need is in the thread @the_termin8r shared.
We’re gonna be getting a lot of these threads as release day (TBA) draws nearer. There have already been about 3 before this one.
lol,even if they post in2017 they ask for mid 2016? lol !
yup…They released the album for my birthday
It looks like now Linkin Park are making a new music video (thanks to Linkin Park Live):
You can check this out on Instagram.