I do too. I love hearing the passion from them and crowd
How do you pick just one?
Invisible and Sorry for Now, because I love to hear Mike’s voice.
Heavy because it’s how I feel many days.
One More Light because of the loss of loved ones including Chester and it also reminds me that I need to keep going, not only for myself but for my daughter. I listen to it everyday, many times in the day.
@melissa320 that’s it
@annamarie31 we don’t… I love all, like i said before
I hear the cd every day, at least one time. Some days i cry, not only because Chester is dead, but even because the letters are great…they are lessons of life
Think you are a brave mamma
The intro with Roads Untraveled gets me every time, it blew me away on the first listen.
Love the whole album, so grateful they released it x
Me too!
Totallllly agree!
Sharp edges:metal:
Sharp edges
Boy does that look bad without context
Sharp edges as well because of the lightness in Chester’s voice
Now THATS A HARD QUESTION…!!.. I honestly would not be able to pick just one, no way, sorry Charlie, better luck next time…!!!..As each new song starts, being WE ALL KNOW the lyrics by heart, and we start singing with him, EVERY song, in my humble opinion, kicks ass because, again in my humble opinion, “every star has a story to tell…!!..” each song has its own message…just sayin…
Peace…R.I.P. CB…luv ya dude…!!!
Sorry, can one of my fellow LP Soldiers kindly explain to me what I have to hit to be notified and any new replies, postings, etc to a certain topic/forum that I post to…??..I wanna BE NOTIFIED when ANY reply from another member posts something in any of the topics that I posted to…
Whew…!!..thanks guys…
Sharp edges, it touches my soul deeply. All the words hit me.
Yes my friend, sharp edges have consequences…just as every star has a story to tell…
Numb/Encore or OML
One more light
Leave out all the Rest
In the End
All of them to be honest
Love the Talking to Myself opener, absolutely brill, whole album is great though
I can’t choose. All of the live songs are good. I really like the part after the song Sharp Edges, where Mike and Chester talk… about how hard it is to play guitar and sing at the same time. That part makes me laugh. Because I was there, it happend in Amsterdam.
I agree this meaning, i have same feel