What Song Are You Listening To?

Linkin Park - Blackbirds

Linkin Park - Blackout :slight_smile:


Citizen King - Better Days (And The Bottom Drops Out)… an oldie, but a goodie :stuck_out_tongue:

Silverstein - Intervention

M83 - Midnight City (What a cool song :] )

Waiting for the end

Eat You Alive - Limp Bizkit

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Dir en grey - Rasetsukoku

Alesana: Circle VII-Sins of the Lion =D

Rise Against - Lanterns

Bing Cosby - White Christmas :wink:

Linkin Park - Step Up

[quote=LP13413]Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up


Respect, I don’t know many people, who would admit, that they listening to Rick Astley :wink:

For me right now its: Prodigal Sum from Ten Kens

Bon Jovi: You Give Love a Bad Name

Overtime I’ve learned to like the song, it’s not a bad song at all [smile]

Relient K - Come Right Out And Say It

Rebecca Black - Friday well, i had a bad Friday, the song kinda cheers me up a little bit :3

Nightwish - The Crow, The Owl And The Dove

Linkin Park - Blackbirds

Waiting For The End!!!