What Song Are You Listening To?

Whole LPUX album.:slight_smile:

At the moment Waking The Fallen album from A7X ^^

My Immortal by Evanescence…

Depressing much?

Thrice - Digital Sea

Woke up listening to DBS-Walking in Circles. C:

Heart Shaped Box (Demo) by Nirvana

Florence and the machine - Kiss with a fist!

Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

mutemath - stall out

the catalyst

The Promise - In This Moment

Out of boredom

New Divide instrumental vs New Divide a capella

Linkin Park - When They Come For Me
Ling Tosite Sigure - a 7days wonder

Linkin Park - From The Inside

Been going through all the old LP songs all day now, and atm Numb is on.

Linkin Park - No roads left

Linkin park-shadow of the day _bled it out/a place for my head…

In keeping with the spirit of Meteora on its anniversary, Easier To Run

Kenji :slight_smile:

Sixpence None the Richer - Kiss Me