What Song Are You Listening To?

Coldplay - In My Place

Mariah Carey - hero

Rise Against - Lanterns

Eminem - Not Afraid

Bloodhound Gang - The Ballad Of Chasey Lain [wink]

Cameltosis - KoRn, over and over again…

Fort Minor - Slip Out The Back

demo of “Robot Boy” [smile][biggrin]

NIN - Heresy

Eminem - Cleanin’ Out My Closet

In Bloom by Nirvana

Coldplay - Shiver

Thousand Foot Krutch - War Of Change

System - Chester Bennington

(i love his version!)

Xero - Rhinestone

Silverstein - Wish (Nine Inch Nails cover)

pretend to be

RHCP – Otherside

I’m listening to The Used - I Come Alive :smiley:

Silverstein - Burning Hearts :slight_smile: