What are you listening to this minute? Just curious

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TFK have just released another song:


They need to release the album already and stop putting a song out every two weeks. It kills the excitement :confused: Won’t listen to another one till the album is actually out.

LP released pretty much half of THP before the actual release.

Well I’m not listening to any music now because I am watching tv ;D but the last full song I listened to was:

I won’t let you down by OK Go

Ι know… same thing. I always wait till the entire album is out to listen to it. I only listen to the 1st single beforehand.

Heavy Bloom - The Story So Far

I’ll say, it was the whole album. Literally.

I hope you don’t mind me renaming the thread @Cickym

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Renaming all the threads is not OK. A person creates a thread with something in mind. To go ahead and change it for absolutely no reason should not be encouraged.
The last name of this thread made more sense and was clear. Not cool @the_termin8r1, not cool.
At least ask for the consent of the person who created it before changing it.

Ok, then I’ll change it back.

Personally I prefer the name Rob suggested better. This name is way too similar to this topic. (Same thread, just under a LPU category).

Yup I prefer The Jukebox - Insert Coins

If anyone thinks that (s)he has a better thread name than the one that is in use, I think they should suggest it and not go ahead and change it straightaway. You were asked for “Lie to me” and “The Food Thread” was @the_termin8r1’s to play with.
If we all just go ahead with our whims and fancies, we will do nothing but create chaos in here.
Anyways, I think if @Cickym approves of the new name, go ahead and change it.

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I didn’t really change it - I simply added (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game) to it behind.

That was for @evooba

Calm down @samuel_the_leader :smiley:

It’s just a name, I don’t think anyone’s feelings are gonna get hurt or something lol

hey dude, @amitrish let the kids play, you wanna have a drink with me?


@The_early_walker Tonight it has to be whiskey! Also, I need not worry about them because…

I wasn’t even fretting nor anything.

What kids? *sarcasm, although srsly…*