What are you listening to this minute? Just curious

Minutes To Midnight followed by A Thousand Suns


Looking for an answer

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Hater - Korn

Crawling one more light live

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Awww how nice you bro! Thanx :blush: - that will make my morning perfect :ok_hand:t2:

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This is my go to song when I need to think

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It’s the start of my perfect linkin park day - wearing this now

I face myself music :notes: Chaz looks perfectly cool in the vid - you make me happy rn @chigokurosaki thanx :grinning: and this one is for you

„What does not kills us makes us stronger“


Thank you :heart::heart::heart::heart: this is just what I needed some thank you again @chigokurosaki


I wanted the t shirt, but when I got the money they had sold out. But I still have 2 LP shirts anyway :grin: :unicorn: :lollipop: and I love sharp edges as well :laughing:

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Isn’t he just nice :+1:t2:- and did I got it right? You are both from Ohio!!!

Ohh - what a shit… with the tee… sorry to hear this. Maybe they make a new edition?

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@theearlywalker @turners34


Yes we are both form Ohio and he is really nice and to be quite honest I always thought he was a she

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Hahaha, he has a female (= understanding and caring) heart :heart: and you guys ever consider to meet up??? :confetti_ball::tada::tada:- that would be cool :sunglasses:- and @chigokurosaki you have a real great music taste- why don’t you join our lil plug community tonight…

You are both heartly invited :sunny:


Well I would love to meet soilders in person but I know it would have to wait to the summer when I don’t have school

That sounds like a cool plan :tada:

Haha, I just care a lot myself. Just the way I am. :blue_heart: and I would love to go, but I will probably have to wait myself.

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