What are you doing right now?

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studying math!

‪In these promises we’re‬
‪Like an army falling ‬
‪We burn it down ‬
‪Ducking down ‬
‪Out there‬
‪In castle of glass‬
‪Time has come ‬
‪On roads untraveled ‬
‪Marching far away‬
‪Until it breaks ‬
‪Because we’re powerless ‬

Happy birthday, Living Things!


Mshinoda is not a soda D;<

As far as I know he is a human…(there are few people that disagree, but it doesn’t matter!!!) :slight_smile:

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Just came home from work… chatting with a friend right now, see what’s up.

Reading a book for a play, I’m the protagonist.

Modern science can’t surely tell what form of life MShinoda is. Some researches have a theory that he’s a cucumber, some people say that he’s an expirement in secret Heinz laboratories that went wrong. He’s also believed to be a monkey. The one who finds out what is MShionoda will surely get a Nobel Prize in biology and probably physics


He’s already mastered numerology and bigbang theology


And let’s not forget that he has another secret identity that some really really great minds in observation could see…:joy:

Yeah right he is superman!!!:joy::joy:

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I think his ingredients are:

10% luck
15% concentrated power of will
50 % pain

And surely a 100% reason to remember mikes name


Numerology master is Brad…No one can beat his simple but great theory of what math is!!!

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Actually there is a person who cannot remember Mike’s name and calls him the mister with funny face!!! :joy::joy:

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What ? Who? Ist this a tectline i dont know?

My daughter… She cannot remember their names so we have
The mister funny -Chester
Funny face - Mike
Crazy hair mister - Brad
“Mouth wide open mesmerized by the sound of the drums no name yet” Rob
(She is 7 and greek so she doesn’t understand a word of what she hears!)


Just woke up, had breakfast and now drinking coffee. Thinking what to do today since I have the day off but the weather is not that nice and it’s supposed to rain.

Rolling on my bed rn

just watched transformers 2 :smile:
And that theme song…New divide…still running in my head!

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Trying hard to shed some fat off me…Haaaaaaaaaard

Aw…just a nice routine of workout everyday… You will be in shape soon :slight_smile:

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