What are you doing right now?

Stay awake rn

playing with my fidget cube

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Ran into a nice deal at the supermarket with this bottle today. I was allowed to take it with a twin bottle for 1 price. My head feels really nice right now.

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I miss @intheend :smirk:

With this weather, I’m back to snuggling on the couch in a hoodie, drinking tea and watching nonsense on TV.

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(punches @anngelenee in the face)

Jdksjfjskfjsnfks D:<


Watching wrestling :sunglasses:

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Just got up…
Happy morning! (not moaning :sweat_smile:)


Angry Birds


Woke up to a wintery day. Had to go and find my winter jacket…

you missed again lol

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Lostening fort minor + sketching

Midnight Snack :coffee::cookie:

Blasting New Found Glory’s new album in my bedroom, about to start the yoga for the day.

So my Linkin Park project goes on very well, but I need some more time to make it :stuck_out_tongue: probably a week or two

Haven’t eaten yet, feeling hungry.

sketching…i hope i complete this piece today… :relaxed: