What are you doing right now?

REALLY? That looks great and make it even better

Yes I really did it wasn’t easy though it took a long time to do it

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Is it? @LP13413?? Missed your post this morning so, answering now with a sunny good morning- have an easy shift my friend :muscle:t2: :sunny:, @evooba :heart_eyes: wooow- soo cool- hug her tight and tell her the family already loves her :blush: @hennler cool outlook- enjoy your holiday- just chill or plans ? @4lexpect welcome soldier :v:t2:, enjoy your time here and have a nice holiday and to everybody: let’s make Chester proud today- if you haven’t had already :muscle:t2: :blush:

Ot: on my way to the apple store instead of a free afternoon… daughters mobile‘s causing problems… :no_mouth:

Edit: change of plans :joy::joy: - my dear daughter is too tired to sit beneath me in the car when driving there - lmao :rofl: so free afternoon back :tada::tada: YAAAY :heart_eyes:- expresso time :coffee:


Family is going to Cyprus for a week! Going to try and dive one day otherwise just chill and have fun!!

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I’m at work and just excited to be back in the LPU. I was an LPUer from Year 1 to Year 6. Hard to believe it’s year 15.


Hey there, @cursedcarolers… welcome back to the family soldier- where are you from? Enjoy and have a good time :unicorn: keep the spirit flowing :lollipop:

I’m from Brooklyn, NY. I signed up again to get the pre-sale code for Mike’s show at Gramercy Theater next week. I did Street Team for LP, LPJZ and Fort Minor back in the day. I made some lifelong friends on these forums and I’m so happy they’re still so busy!


Awwww- cool- yes, I made real great friendships here too, soldiers friendship is unique, family of own choice :heart_eyes:

Sounds like big fun back then, these experiences nobody can take away from you- have fun at the show- is there a m&g announced? I’ll go to see him in Paris :heart_eyes:


Welcome again here! :smile: :sun_with_face:

OT: having line issues again… :frowning: :roll_eyes: :persevere:

Thanks guys, it really is a great painting. She had it up on her website but freaking Warner Bros took it down due to copyright -.- It’s so unfair.

@raz7 WFTE

In other news, I just came home. Had a lovely walk with friends and then visited my cousin for a bit. It’s coffee time.


Tired, can’t wait for the weekend! :sleeping:
Tomorrow, new Mike’s song.

Looking at the beautiful blue sky before sleeping. Goodnight all! :hugs:


Have a good good night dear! :hugs: :hugs: :smile:

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Thank you @lpfan61 :kissing_heart:

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Sweet dreams

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Isn’t Mike still releasing new songs on Thursday? Dont tell me he lost all his bonkers with that sock, and he thinks tomorrow is Thursday.


Ghosts, Mikes new song, is released at midnight. :heart::+1:


I know I thought that!!

OT: in bed wide but wide awake!


Not available in Europe… can’t read… :confused:

Getting ready to sing up for the gym with my son. So we can go together.