What are you doing right now?

I just finished. It was quick but the person said I have her a lot of informations.

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What did she give you? I hope she gave you something…

I gave her informations. Stupid autocorrect :joy:

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LOL - could have been a lot worse. Like when one of my old bosses emailed our vendor to talk about the Christmas close off dates - and was calling it The Great Christmas Shutdown - only - the ‘u’ auto-magically turned into an ‘i’ … needless to say… he now has a t-shirt with that printed on it… what is weird though, is why it auto-corrected to an ‘i’ in the first place…never did get to the bottom of that… :rofl:


Haha omg this is the best :joy:

I’m in McDonald’s now waiting for my veggie burger. I’m starving. Thank God the talk lasted less than it could as I could hear my stomach lol

In a quiet room - that is the worst :flushed:
Am glad to hear you survived! Oh…now I want a cheeseburger…


In my travels across the world I found out that UK is the only McDonald’s having veggie burger

nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…really??? I’m sure we have it???

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Nope. They offered me burger without the meat in it but other than that nope.

nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…really - shut the front door… aye?

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Lol I asked. Big Mac with no meat

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Holy crapballs - I always thought they did…that’s incredible! Cos we have so many vego’s over here…well, I thought we did…

I always been told kiwis are meat eaters

I wish McDonalds in the states would serve them. I’d be all over it.

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I’m making the best bean burgers. Everyone (except my dad who once tried them and shouted “are you trying to poison me?!”) Loves them


Lol. I could see my dad saying that too. I’ll have to try and make my own. There’s a pub up the street from us that makes amazing ones but, they always fall apart as soon as you start to eat them.

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At work, it’s quite busy today. The weather isn’t helping :confused:

If you want I can send you my recipe.

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Sure! That would be awesome.

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Ok will dm you on Facebook