What are you doing right now?

@rorybourdon There are lots of beautiful buildings and even without getting inside, you can see great things for free! This is cool.
And maybe it’s better to go there when it’s not too cold.

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i won’t go this year. I am going to Greece and then in 2019 on the beginning I will probably go to Dubai. And then New Zealand again.
But to be honest I don’t even think I will go anywhere. I will have one way trip to hell.

Get two more people in @melissa320 and @Lilyope in And I just made a new therad for it and put the video in it fwi it’s called getting numb to a billion views

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Greece seems great. You can’t know what’s gonna happen and I hope you won’t go to hell.

Maybe good things will happen. Like a beautiful day, with sun. Maybe you will discover a new hobby, a new passion and it will change everything in your life.

yeah right now i discovered that i am indeed lonely.

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Why are so lonely @rorybourdon

today life added another reason for me to not be alive anymore

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What happened @rorybourdon

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nothing really. life i suppose. it is not like i didn’t see it coming. i didn’t know that it will happen so fast and for a non existent reason

If you need someone to talk to I will be here ready to listen

i am done with being open. from now on i am the other version of myself. happy, fun and always ready to play.
new year new me. no more talking about my mental health. people hate sad people.

How many groups are you in?

i don’t want to join anymore

I’m also a lonely person, I’m not used to speak in a group of people and actually, I feel a huge gap between me and my “Friends”.

I feel like I’m not welcome when I’m with them.
To keep my head up, I always think that being lonely is not so bad because you can plan activities whenever you want to. You don’t need people to go to the cinema, you don’t need people to travel, you don’t need people to enjoy a good coffee with a book. You don’t need people to go running or walking in nature.

A lot of people need other people to do all this things. But, personnally, I know that even if I’m lonely (because I don’t really have real friends), I don’t need them and it’s not a weakness, it’s my strenght.


I had a crazy day at work, I’m completely exhausted. I just need my bed.

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exactly what @Lilyope said!

I can do what I want when i want and stuff the rest. If I wanna escape early I can. If I’m going to a multi-event concert I can go see who I want and not have to bargain with friends who wanna see stupid stuff.

Sitting in the :sun_with_face: thinking about what I should do today…


My cat took my spot on the couch, so I’m sitting next to him.


what a rude cat…lol…typical!

Sitting in front of the fan, still haven’t achieved anything today, still deciding what to do…

@LP13413 my cat does this too.

I’ve only achieved going to the pet store for dog food and cat litter. Now going to watch Spider-Man Homecoming

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Just got the best present I could ever ask for​:heart::cry: