Browsing, browsing everywhere😂
Finally home after a hectic day at work. Tea, music and my bed now.
Im sick in bad looking at tv and have linkin park on . It seem that i feel better when i here linkin park.
Watching godzilla
watching Home Improvement and surfing the interwebs
Resting a little after a stress moment in the drugstore.
What happened? no thieves
Fall is definitely here…not good for the city of trees here
No. Just the typical moment of stress that each work has jaja. I came back to the house 5 minutes ago.
Oh jaja
I hear too much trouble with medicine lol
Relax time!
Jajaja the only problem is learn those names XD
I need a fast flu relief…
On break at work…
Cooking dinner
Fever. Shit, not again !
Regular (i miss this badge🤣)
playin asphalt airbone 8
Relaxing at home, about to make dinner.
Preparing mushrooms to be dried. Yesterday my husband and his stepmother found two large baskets and three bags of them! Now must work to make them dry