What are you doing right now?

Rains rains rains …here!

It’s raining now.

I’ve had enough and i am cold and wet. I am going home


While the last few days you guys keep complaining about rain, there wasn’t (and still isn’t) any rain here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can i move in wherever you are?

Math + music

Cooking lunch…

Yes. I remember have read about it in a thread, but I don’t remember which one was. It says something about @ robot user, I guess.

Do this

Then the bot will guide you how to do the rest.

(Edit: Damn, the bot messages me again :joy:)

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took a Break from studies.

Trying… Didn’t had a conversation with @discobot lately!! :joy: :joy:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I am looking for advanced user tutorial

@dicobot display help

@discobot start advanced user.

Crying my eyes out. R.I.P. Chester. :cry:


I am crying after Chester. I can’t calm down. I am listening to One more light and i am crying hard.

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He’s definitely left many reasons to be missed


I´m crying and trying to understand

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I am very very angry. I tried to kill myself and i can understand how he felt. But there is a light in the darkness. Oh Chester.


He’s my light when I was 13, now my ligh is go out.

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