Weather and climate

It’s sunny but super windy and cold over here.

Oh… what’s the temperature?
Its super hot here… 34°C

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Oh really cold! :snowflake:

Weather is going nuts here. Serious wind with some rain. And someone’s wooden garden door won’t stop slamming shut and then opening continuously. Either that or it’s shut and there’s just a lot of play in it. Whatever it is it’s very annoying.

Even here… i don’t know what does it want. Either it Should be summer or rainy. Yesterday it was dead hot of 34°C. And in midnight there were really bad thunderstorms. Still going on and its morning 6:41 . Weather changes so fast!

Summer here is still going strong!!

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Back to normal… Glad

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Damn heat wave in Greece…

We turned the heating on for the first time last night over here. It’s cold.

It’s for 3 days…The rest of the week will be better :slight_smile:

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This is soo nice… :blush::slightly_smiling_face:

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Calm and nice…

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The weather here is 62 and the Humanity is 70 percent

Degree celcious ?? :flushed:


Degrees 69

Degrees what though? Fahrenheit or Celsius? I’m assuming F.

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