Weather and climate

No. I got cold because temp. dropped. It was hot one day before… drastic weather change effects me sometimes…

Wow, 5C isn’t that much. A typical day here changes between 5 and 8 degrees in my area. 27 isn’t exactly cold, it’s what I call roasting. :stuck_out_tongue: Get well.

Nah. It isn’t like that. They weather is cold is completely fine. But the wind has lot of dust… construction work. It really feels like bad air pollution… + my brother also had cold some days ago… so it all came to me now…
Thanks tho :slightly_smiling_face:

Get well soooon!! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks dear :sparkles::hugs::kissing_heart:

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The sun… is BACK!!! :heart_eyes:


It warm and windy here… HOWEVER it should be snowing and freezing with ice on the road… We got one day of snow less then 1/2 inches …sad so sad

Freezing! :confused:



Is 31 degrees outside is going to a little better this weekend. I

30 - 31 as usual…

In February and it’s going to be 73 today stupid Ohio weather @chigokurosaki

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Like 38°F. I can see frost on the roof and I live in California…

Its pretty warm here too. I hate spring and especially summer.:snowflake:

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Been raining non stop for 2 days now over here. Temp is not bad but it’s going to drop to -3 or so on Thursday and will last for about a week. I hope we get a bit of snow, will be fun!

It really nice today is 73 out so nice and beautiful out

it was like that here a couple days ago. was in the 60s and rained on monday and tuesday…now it’s in the 30s and icy out :joy:



Snow is coming! :heart_eyes:

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Snooowww! :heart_eyes: :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:


so much rain this week. I’m tired of it.