Ahhh… Difficult question hahaha
But the answer is Facebook, unfortunately
iPhone or Blackberry?
Ahhh… Difficult question hahaha
But the answer is Facebook, unfortunately
iPhone or Blackberry?
iPhone FTW!
Madonna or Lady Gaga or neither or both or who cares?
Meh, old Madonna
Hot or Cold weather?
PS3 or Xbox?
Meteora! duh! Apple iPad or Samsung Galaxy Tab?
skin to bone or roads untraveled?
roads untraveled
Axe spray or roll on?
Axe spray
Axl Rose or Slash?[/b]
Beach or Snow?
Honda Civic Tour or Projekt Revolutioin?
Projekt Revolution
Concerts indoors or outdoors?
Beach or Snow?
I’d say beach haha.
[quote=Holden]Projekt Revolution
Concerts indoors or outdoors?
Outdoors. I saw LP during Projekt Revo and it started storming out, it was totally awesome.
Mike or Chester? >:3
I don’t pick between band members.
Jumping on a trampoline or in a bouncy house? LOL
Bouncy House baha
Summit or Meet & Greet?
Definitely summit, I love the whole idea of getting an in-depth view of the Linkin Park world…even though I’d settle for a meet and greet too. [biggrin]
New York City or Los Angeles?
NYC all day.
Skateboarding or BMX biking?
I agree, NYC all the way. And I like watching BMX biking during X-Games so I’ll say that. lol.
Adidas or Nike?
Nike. I really like Adidas though too.
Wearing sneakers or sandals?
Skate shoes or sneakers?
Skate Shoes
Laptop or desktop?