This or That?


die in the ocean or die in the woods?

why so serious? -,-

Cure for the itch

Live in Harry Potter’s world or Live in Edward Cullen’s world?


NON OF’M ! And next time ask something sweet, and when death it will come, you’ll die whenever you are ! Sick question -___- .

Session or Cure for the itch ?

why so serious? -,-

Cure for the itch

Live in Harry Potter’s world or Live in Edward Cullen’s world?


someone who talks to much or someone who doesn’t talk at all

It would depend if the person that talks too much is interesting enough, but to be on the safe side, someone who doesn’t talk at all

Electric or Acoustic guitar?


A tropical place with a hotel or a forest with a lodge?

Lodge. I love the Alps.

Classic book or e-book?

classic book

caipirinha or mojito?

not a big fan of both :<

damnlol or 9gag? :smiley:

either again…

book with words or a book with pictures

[quote=Sandra Wayne][quote=ANVANOPPENS]
Starbucks you just can’t make coffee like that!

LPUX or LPU11? (lol!)

[quote=intheend]book with words or a book with pictures[/quote]Book with words

Mud or Dirt?


ghost or vampires


read an awesome book or watch a movie?

watch a movie

day classes or nite classes

I’ve never had a night class, so, day

Desktop or Laptop?


linkin park or backstreet boys

[quote=SD B E N N I N G T O N]desktop

linkin park or backstreet boys [/quote]

Waoh, what a question, but for sure LP [smile] .

Green pepper or olive ?

i would rather burn my mouth with a green pepper than to eat a olive

blackbirds or blackout

[quote=intheend]i would rather burn my mouth with a green pepper than to eat a olive

blackbirds or blackout

HAHAHAHAHA, i love both olive and green pepper, i didnt day hot pepper :stuck_out_tongue: .

hmmm both nice, but i feel blackbird more sweet, i’ll go with blackbird.

KFC or Hardee’s ?