This or That?

in the pit!

icebear or penguin?

what the heck is an ice bear? o.O

feb 14 or oct 31

[quote=intheend]what the heck is an ice bear? o.O
oh it isn’t called ice bears in english? sorry :slight_smile: i meant the polar bears :wink:

oct. 31

message or phone call?


Android or App Store?


amazon or ebay ?


amazon or ebay ?

that’s really bad…numb

This or that?


Robot Boy: Original or optional vocals ?


Robot Boy: Original or optional vocals ?

A Place For My Head.

Vinyl or CD ?

A Place For My Head.

Vinyl or CD ?

Oh God.

At the moment Rise Against

Cats or Dogs?


Fate or Destiny?


hmm…Would you rather be deaf or blind?


hmm…Would you rather be deaf or blind?[/quote]

Hmm… A hard one… Maybe blind, I guess…

Temperature question: way too hot or way too cold?

why so warm :3

jessica simpson or ashlee simpson

none >_>

girl band or boy band?

[quote=purnama]none >_>

girl band or boy band?[/quote]
Boy band… I’m not sure why.

Microsoft or Apple?


iOS or Android?


iOS or Android?[/quote]

Android :slight_smile:

Fallout or Jornade Del Muerto?