This or That?


Curly or straight?


Peas or carrots

Carrots of course :grin:

Bunnies or mice?

Bunnies are tastier :yum: lol jk I couldnā€™t after having bunnies as pets

Oreos or unicorns :grin:

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Oreosā€¦canā€™t hurt the unicorns :laughing:

Castle or cabin

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Well you could go Voldemort on them :yum: hehe jk

Oh thatā€™s a hard one :persevere: cabin is peacefulā€¦make it hog warts castle and we have a deal lol

Book or movie

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Both thatā€™s hard :grin:

Cupcakes or ice cream

Ice cream !

Skateboard or Rollerblade?


Computer or I phone


Almond or hazelnut?


Cheerios or frosted flakes

Frosted flakesā€¦ i g

Honey or money :joy::joy::joy:

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@Honey8 of course!

Lily or Rose? :grin:


:neutral_face: thatā€™s just meanā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Strawberry :grin: lol

Jk lily! :hugs:

Hedgehog or otter :thinking: lol

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Thatā€™s mean too!!! :joy:


Strawberries cheesecake or pecan pie? :hugs:

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Butā€¦butā€¦ ehhhā€¦

It has to be tarte tatin with vanilla ice cream :yum: and I soooo wonā€™t share :stuck_out_tongue: kidding haha

Iā€™ll say cheesecake :persevere:

Chocolate covered almonds or smurfs :thinking: :sweat_smile:


Morning time or Evening time?

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Any of those two times :blush:
The in between time is terrible :sweat_smile:

Butā€¦this side mornings if I choose between the two :grin:
Ps for some reason Iā€™m out of likes :joy:

:thinking: Boris or Vladimir :hushed:

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Night time! :grin: :blush:

Boris :grin:

Batman or Robin? :laughing:

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I wonā€™t answer to this question because I want to stay safe :roll_eyes::grin: