This or That?

I wouldn’t know…red wine?

Pink or Violet


Gray or Silver?

yellow or gold


Rain or sleet?

rains just enough…
sunshine or cloudy

Cloudy during the heat of summer, sunshine for the rest of the year.

Aspirin or Painkillers

both the same…aspirin at least

face it or numb it

Face it

Feel guilty or feel wrongly convicted.

Feeling guilty

The feeling of hunger or too full

The feeling of hunger

cup of tea or cup of coffee?

Cup of dirt ;D

Jello or jelly beans @.@

Jelly beans

Pillows or stuffed animals?


sleeping with
window open or closed?

It depends on the season. Closed.

Sleeping with or without clothes?

mostly with Tee,

workingtoday or free day?

You nasty son of a biscuit

Free day

Going to the mall or shopping online

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Lucky You :grinning:

Going to the mall

Computer games or phone games

if you have to decide morningtimes…7:00 am

  • drinking the rest of a coffee, cooked two hours ago or - cooking a fresh one

I rather sleep for a little longer.

Is it more difficult to wake your husband or your daughter up?