Typed lyrics
Singe player game or mutiplayer game?
Typed lyrics
Singe player game or mutiplayer game?
I think that depends on the game.
Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwansaa?
Smartwatch or classic Watch
Can’t beat the classics
Squirrels or Chipmunks?
Squirrels, but the only the red squirrels
In ear or over ear headphones?
I have Powerbeats, so over
Pants or Shorts?
vampires or werewolves
Vampires - none of that twilight crap, real bloodthirsty, will kill you in a heartbeat, vampires
Night out partying or night in with good mates?
night in with good mates
M&G Lottery or buying?
Buying - if I had the money T_T
Buying items with card or cash?
Golfing or Mini golfing?
Mini golfing
Hard copy of a CD/song or virtual copy?
Pizza or Burger
Tea or Coffee?
First Row or M&G
Apple products or Similar/same products by different companies?
I’m not really all that tech-savvy, but I personally can’t stand Apple
When you look at an album booklet, do you look at the lyrics first, or the artwork?
Darts Or Bowling?
Bowling, though, I haven’t been in years
Napkin or Paper towel?
Orange color or Red color ?