The Last Post Thread

@chigokurosaki has been eliminated

Or in other words:

I think that covers it all :rofl:


Lolooolol! He was so sure to win… :rofl: so now the battle is between you two! :rofl:

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Yyyyeah…well… poor guy has had a tough day, he woke up at 10am and then hung out saving his energy…it must have been very tiring :rofl::rofl:


And you too! :wink: :hugs: :cookie:

:joy: Since when are you awake??

Me?no, it doesn’t count…it’s morning here and I slept…

I have officially been up since 7:30 am :stuck_out_tongue:

He spent the last week crying in a corner because of @chigokurosaki LOL

Be our judge!

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: dude you really shouldn’t be making up those stories, we all know you say that because you and Chigo do that every time I leave :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yaaay! Ok! :blush:

So since when are you awake?
Batfram since 7:30…not bad at all…

@IronSoldier16 had an even rougher day, you wake up at what? 2pm to go to work? :thinking::joy:

What??pm?PM??!! :unamused:

And the winner is… :crazy_face:

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:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: yess ma’am :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
He’s already tired, he went to sleep already :joy:

And the winner!!! :trophy:

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:bat: :bat: :bat: :grin:

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Our judge has declared it!!

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At what hour are you going to stop the match?? Just to know… :grin:

You are an onion, of course we cry when you are close :stuck_out_tongue:

TBH I don’t remember jajajaja Ahh… Maybe 9:00 o’clock :thinking:

SISTER!!! :rage:


Batfram don’t get the judje confounded… :no_mouth:

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That onion is a big liar! :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

PM :grin:

I’ll stay up til my usual bedtime tomorrow maybe if I can :thinking:
41 hours hopefully :crazy_face:

I work though :crazy_face: so we’ll see, maybe I just beat this loser’s butt then go to bed :sweat_smile: