Ah, are we talking about those brutal Russian war-time experiments. Where subjects ended up eating one another and then themselves? I’m pretty sure they were experimenting with nerve agents too. Some pretty dark stuff, but also very interesting.
That too, but yeah they used some kind of drugs…I refer to an experiment they did without chemicals, but I don’t know how to find it in English…
72 hours is humanly feasible but that’s like literally life/death limit if I remember correctly
At 68 I think they were talking about this one dude on a hot air balloon wanting to jump out without really realizing it
36 isn’t bad though…did in high school, then another I remember for sure for fun, then I know I did 24+ during time at hospital but that’s just stress not letting you rest
Yaaaaay!!! I’m really impressed now! that’s exactly the program I watched!!!
Past about the 34h mark I’d have to take regular walks around my room when I felt myself nodding off. lol
So I just found out that Batfram really has superpowers… I decided which side cheer on…
rob just said he can too! And I’m sure Chigo would
And let’s not forget the baddest bro on that matter cuz he does it regularly- @DavidZinssler
Batfram mostly just shared how stupid he’s been for no reason
The time in high school was for a math/science competition and I literally bombed a math test we had because I couldn’t think straight
I’m down for doing it next Friday @chigokurosaki @the_termin8r @IronSoldier16 and @lpfan61 and whoever wants to join
I’m too effed up sleepwise to do it in the next few days
Lol I’m referring to the power of read my mind… I know @DavidZinssler has the power to stay awake 24h and he does it regularly…maybe he was really bitten by a radioactive spider…
Ohhh then I guess I just lost that superpower I didn’t know what you meant
That’s aquaman!!!
I became neutral again… it was just by chance that you guessed what I watched… no superpowers…
Staying awake long and frequently is pretty bad for you.
Yyyyeahhh once in a blue moon doesn’t kill though!
I won’t join… I need to sleep…
I know, that’s why I said frequently.
I wonder the conversations we’d have if we were all sleep deprived
I’d be making lots of typos, otherwise I think I’d be fine. The sleep deprivation doesn’t get to me if I’m doing something. During the 39h stint I was actually working on Hellhound for most of the day and was fine, then the evening came around and I felt awake, then 23:00 rolled around and I actually could not fall asleep.
You’re not human!
You don’t say.