The Last Post Thread

Be COOL broooooo :rofl:
We’re talking about batman here! Wait no! :exploding_head::disappointed_relieved: talking about @framos1792 :grin:

Wait NOOOO :bowing_man:

Time out time out :no_good_man: getting me in trouble is NOT cool :joy:

:thinking: actually, it was a little late but I totally confessed to @rickvanmeijel that me dating her was a TOTAL joke :innocent: yep yep :innocent:
She never was :grin: it was just concert excitement :grin::stuck_out_tongue:


Jajaja but WTH is happening here? Now I’m lost! Who is who?


:poop: started getting real there for a second, that’s what :joy:
@chigokurosaki is confusing my, batman’s and an old joke’s identity to blackmail me :unamused: shame on him!

@chigokurosaki is deadpool, you’re Harley quinñion :grin: (you’re welcome-that’s what you get when you keep calling me oñion after our dead-iron-bat agreement of 2018 :triumph: ) and I’m batman I’m batman I’m batmannnnnn :grin:


I called you onion like one time and it was a joke :stuck_out_tongue: he is not Harley Quinn, he is Iron onion :rofl:


Fine, fine, fine, no harley Quinn :unamused: she’s deadpool’s dating partner apparently but not gf and she’s not iron onion :grin::hugs: see we’re all friends! :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh no, he’s still iron onion :joy:

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Shhhh :shushing_face: he wasn’t going to notice!

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Now I am more lost that before. I will have to reset this game. Sorry sirs.


The reset button is broken :grin:
2 against one iron onion :hugs: that’s all you gotta know :grin:

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Don’t blame later. Batman :unamused:

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It might as well be 2 against 1, aqua man isn’t much help :joy::rofl:


@chigokurosaki we must not allow this!!! :rage:

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You. are. death. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh look, a ghost. Meh

You. Are. Out. Of. The. Game.! :rage:
You specifically violated the dead-iron-bat agreement of 2018! You are banned from superhero nerd battles!!! :rage:

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D*mn! Can I stay with the Iron man’s armors?

You really did it this time, shouldn’t have destroyed his things man

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Yeah I know… I need someone who can help me to save my ass, but who?

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:unamused: maybe I deserved a little of that for being so mean to Harley Quinn :unamused: so me and @chigokurosaki will give you a one time “get back in” pass :unamused:

Here’s your dumb armor :unamused: :person_fencing:

Batman out :unamused: if I come back and I’m dead I will crush you like an empty soda can :angry:

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Wooow! You are a real hero, Bataman :clap:
