Would you believe me if I said I have a dread locks wig? Lol and a stuffed monkey with dread locks stuffed in a banana lol
My uncle kinda ruined that for me one day when he saw me “is that your gf? You’re matching” I tossed it to back of closet
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Uncles can be sooooooooo dumb
So what… a stuffed monkey, with dreadlocks, stuffed in a banana…how is that even a thing??
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I couldn’t find another lol
I was rooting for Jamaica that day then a week later they knocked Mexico out I had my mex jersey on with dreads on
OMG…now I’ve seen it all…LOL! That is absolutely stunning! I love it
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Hint #2 its on a demo cd…
She couldn’t?
Stop crying cause life’s amazing… ?
close, but nope
Is it LP song?. This thread is for LP songs? I dunno where was this thread… i am watching loong later
lol yes it is lp song
Weep not for roads untravelled
Its a bit hard. But i think you guys will get it…
Rainbow and stars
No! LP
Looking for an answer?
No. Just one word…