The Emoji Trivia Game

Its from MTM
It should be easy now

No more sorrow?

Nope. Almost there

Given up???

It actually comes between those songs

There are few between lol
Leave out all the rest?

Nope again.
Last hint: It was on a movie soundtrack

What I’ve done?

There you go! (I think I gave way too many hints :sweat_smile:)

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So what were the emoji presenting?

:man_shrugging:t4: what
:raising_hand_man:t4: I’ve
:white_check_mark: done

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Exactly that I think.
:man_shrugging: what
:raising_hand_man: I
:white_check_mark: done

Haha, at the same time :joy:

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lol ok then :smiley: i wouldn’t guess it.


You kept the cake all to yourself, don’t you love me? I’m heartbroken!
From the album Piece of Cake


well done!!! :smiley:

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:laughing: I havo no idea, so i’ll just guess
By myself?

Nope. Not that :wink:

Valentine’s Day?

I’ll give you a hint: it’s really very calm song