The Emoji Trivia Game

yeah that’s it. the lyrics from the most known song from the first album “Christmas in hell”

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Leave out all the rest

nope. not that

Crawling? ( I have no idea how the shopping basket will fit :laughing:)

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Lol :joy::joy: no. It wouldn’t fit haha

Can you give us another hint?

Ok it’s the first verse but with lines missing. From Meteora

Don’t stay

Nope. It’s very melodic with a bit screaming in the chorus

From The Inside?

I don’t know who to trust no surprise
Heavy thoughts sift through dust and the lies

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I still do not know how the shopping cart and the snowman fit into it :joy::joy:

:loud_sound: : :airplane: :dagger: :notes:

Shopping cart - sift
Black snowman - dust lol

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Loud airplanes cut the notes


Battle symphony

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@georkost No, the other song from the album High in The Sky :joy:

@rorybourdon No, older album

contains swearing - think Snakes on a Plane

Screaming “get that mother [spoiler]fucking[/spoiler] knife off this mother [spoiler]fucking[/spoiler] plane” he sang…


Is it by any chance what I’ve done?

@neeksnz close :yum: Although Snakes is a word in the next line of this song…

@rorybourdon Nope