The Emoji Trivia Game

Forget from my side… i never answer :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: just troll a bit


Is this in a studio album?

Yes it is :grin:

What if I make a small change…

:tipping_hand_woman:t3: :point_right:t2: :pouting_man:t2:( :arrow_upper_right: :kaaba: ) 2⃣ :black_square_button:

:fist_right:t2: :palms_up_together:t2: , :woman_shrugging:t3: :gun: :point_right:t2:

Easier? :blush:

Robot Boy?

What lyrics do you think they represent? If you just say the song title you could luck into getting it right even though you had the wrong lyrics :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t know :laughing: I don’t really think it’s Robot Boy now


Next album :wink:

Skin To Bone?

Nope. :grin:

You look towards a boy wh is looking towards a building
You punch him, shoot him with gun and act innocent like you dont know anything :joy: :woman_shrugging: :joy:


Once again I have two possible options… I feel like it’s unfair to try both at once so I’ll start with 1:

“But you came with the right kind of threat to
Push me to let you know you can’t intimidate me”

Lies Greed Misery? :thinking:

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I think this can fit

Good thinking, but it isn’t :yum:

Alright then maybe my second guess will be better :stuck_out_tongue:

“It’s something for your people on the block to black out and rock to
Give you what you need like poppa, who shot you”

Until it Breaks? :thinking:


Yes :grin: :+1:t2: :tada:
Your turn

Oh! I didn’t think that would actually be correct xD I thought my first guess was more likely


(:point_right: :man:) :no_good_woman: :eyes:
(:point_right: :man:) :fist_right: :fist_left: :no_entry_sign: (:man: :point_left:)
:skateboard: :heavy_plus_sign: :play_or_pause_button: :safety_pin:
:arrow_down: :gun: :timer_clock:

Hopefully not too cryptic xD

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Idk…maybe Lies Greed Misery?

Nope ~

Also could you list the lyrics you think they represent when you make a guess? I don’t want people to luck into getting the song correct even though they were thinking wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

You want a coffee too? :coffee: :rofl:
Alright sir, but you’ll have to face Fate about this

Studio album?