Tag, you're it!

they’d believe you if they saw the tyre marks across your face :laughing:

I was nearly run over once by a mad driver who’d stopped for me at a crossing. As I was crossing he seemed to change his mind and nearly ran me over :stuck_out_tongue:

Who’s next?

Oh sorry, forgot to tag @The_early_walker

SORRY :flushed:

  1. i stay in bed today because I have had a bad night with kinda sweatattacks whyever, my stomach was rumbling like a rollercoaster

  2. so I slept till 13 pm, as my daughter arrived from school she got in my bed too, we cuddled and now she lies beside me sleeping like an Angel

  3. Half an hour ago I cooked a soup to test, if it stays inside, sooo good luck, it stays untill now

I tag @dragonflysoldier84

and btw I think Rob looks like a racer, and btw I knew this pic like more than one week, no drones alert @the_termin8r 1,83 is really tall :sunglasses:
haha @susannchen no worries mate, shit happens
@samuel_the_leader what doctor?

  1. The doctor who is picky about orange-colored foods. :stuck_out_tongue: One day, my mother overheard him at a restraunt telling the waitress specifically no orange-colored foods, i.e. no carrots, pumpkins, etc.

  2. Ironically he is the same type of doctor who would ask you to take servings of different colors of fruits & vegetables. :confused:

  3. I presumed you were tagging me, actually who were you tagging? Anyway I tag @jFar920 next.

thats nice that you got me right, yes I tagged ya!

Oops I guess I’m a very charitable person. :grin:

no matter I wanted to hear the vegetable-in-orange-dr-story anyways :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:the soldier I tagged is a real life friend…want to get him inhere…

Not sure if you actually understood the story though, judging by your phrasing…

i think it wasn’t liturally a doctor, mb kinda restaurant waiter/ cook?

No he is. He was a customer at the restaurant when my mother chanced upon him that day.

then y ou re right I don’t understand it…

So I guess your daughter gave up trying to practice her English with you.

you mean my son, named google-translator? I go. and ask him for va content hint ( really difficult to get the doubblebinds of ya notes as not native speaker.)

Not your son, I meant your actual daughter.

I know but we do not practise together and my "son"means google-only one helping me understand ya

  1. I just got off of work
  2. I’m hungry
  3. I’m going to possibly play Pokemon Go with my younger brother later

I was about to say the third one, but then I realized it wasn’t the lie to me thread. You need to tag somebody else to keep the ball rolling.

Oops, been a while since I played this game. @intheend


  1. I reply the people that summon me
  2. Awesomely
  3. I forgot how to play this…
  4. @LP13413