Tag, you're it!

So my phone wants a leica cam. Poor thing.

  1. I dreamed I was missing
    2)And I keep it locked up inside
    3)I’m so much more afraid

1 I have to work tomorrow
2 I’m eating pudding
3 I’m gonna smoke a cigarette after this


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as I am new here I am tagging whoever name will pop up after I press first letter

You have to be tagged in to tag somebody next, so first Sam has to go and then he has to tag somebody. It may be a while before you go or you might be next. I haven’t been tagged in ages which is good because I can never think of anything :stuck_out_tongue:

oops… oh ok well… I just wanted to join :smiley: Thanks

ok ill go
just last week we had a bridal shower for my new sister in law
i just came back from sacramento
just browsing for some new movies to watch


  • During the 2000-01 school year (I was in 6th grade), I tied a knot in a rubber band, the nucleus of what is still my ever-expanding rubber band ball to this day.
  • My cat killed a mouse in our cellar, and presented it to me as a gift at dinner the other night.
  • I gave in and bought an LPU fidget spinner among other things in the store.

@Honey8 you’re up again.

Oh great…me again! :slight_smile:

  1. I am having a dead busy week ahead
  2. Earned “regular” badge 6 hrs ago
  3. Thinking deeply whom should i tag :sweat_smile:

Okay lets go with the new member…

You are next @rorymcgarrett .

Uh oh

  1. I just woke up
  2. My room is a mess I have to clean it up but I am too lazy
  3. Going to the cinema to see a movie but no idea which one yet.

So I am tagging @the_termin8r

Sorry @rorymcgarrett but i already made sequence in my mind. I will tag you and you’ll go for the_terminator . Yeah my sequence was right! :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha I tagged @the_termin8r only because I was sort of told off lol so thanks to that we have a winner :smile:

Sry I didn’t get you :no_mouth:

Winner as the people I could tag. I picked winner as a person to tag to do this thing

ohk. i got it :slight_smile:


I’m supposed to be studying today
I have a craving for subway
I want to find an interesting place to drive the RC, I’m fed up of the park on the other side of my garden fence.


< Busy this time
< Preparing myself tomorrow
< Still continues sleeping at 1-4 AM


You are up at 4 am :dizzy_face: ??

  1. This is a long one. (What I dreamt last night)

I was in a conference room with my father, two nobodies in a room full of bureaucrats and delegates, et al. (My father was sitting opposite me.) The meeting was very boring, hence the women (most of the people in the room were women) took turns to visit the lavatory. A lady attempted to utilise this opportunity to exchange seats with another woman (who had gone out to use the bathroom), but was interdicted from doing so, as the other lady’s seat had a star on the table in front of it.

The excitement begins when I decided to go to the restroom as well. While walking back to the room from the toilet, I heard a shout from the room (A lady shouted “Security” in Italian). Before I could open the door handle, the two security guards stopped and grabbed me. I tried to explain myself, mentioning that my father was inside. Fortunately, the tussle didn’t last long; a group of armed militants swiftly dealt K.O. to the guards. I instinctively opened the conference door ran inside, exposing everyone inside to the dangers of the militants. I quickly ran to the far side of the room where the back door was, while the bloodbath happened to the people behind me. Everything occurred so rapidly, before I knew it, I was jostling my way past an entire row of waiters and waitresses with trays of finger food (éclairs, tiny square chocolate gateaux with cherry on top, etc), ending up in the kitchen and then the security camera room. I replayed the security footage of the carnage, everybody was on the floor. As soon as it began, it was over.

Later in that day, the massacre appeared in the news. The news displayed footage from the hill in front of the entrance, showing how the militants entered the compound, and that a minute after they entered, a helicopter landed a few feet to the right and U.S. soldiers exited it and rushed into the building to resolve the situation. (A female officer was the one who noticed and alerted them to the matter.) The news broadcast showed a document with a lot of (incomplete) redactions, that the (Codename Spitzer) building was built in 2005 in Iraq (So that was where we apparently were) under a covert Operation [Redacted]. An old man was interviewed saying that they are insane, they want to commence WWIII (Yup, the militants were Russian, didn’t want to spoil it for you).

  1. I wrote the dream down in a piece of paper this morning, that’s why I could remember. I typed it out in a word document before I pasted here, since I can’t risk it disappearing.

  2. This morning, I saw Emmanuel Macron’s face in the news, and it kinda reminded me of the man lying beside my father after the carnage (in the dream).
